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history of sewing machine

The history of the sewing machine is one littered with accusations, failed attempts and some serious scandal. From narrowly escaping death to patent law suits, it’s an interesting story that demonstrates the seam-ingly humble sewing machine ruffled more than a few feathers in its lifetime. A 20,000 year old art form The history of the sewing […]

Learn the Basics

what is satin

Satin Definition So, what is Satin and how is it made? First and foremost, it is not a raw material. It is a type of weave with a complex structure. Made by floating several warp yarns across the weft before going under 1 weft thread, and beginning the cycle again. Having fewer interlaces leads to […]

How To & Tutorials

How to wear a neck warmer

What is a neck gaiter? If you’re a camping or hiking fanatic, you may have already heard of a neck gaiter or tube scarf; an elasticated tube-shaped piece of fabric which is amazingly versatile and often used on outdoor trips or for sports. There are endless ways how to wear a neck gaiter. This single […]

How To & Tutorials

how to sew stretchy fabric

Whether you are an accomplished sewer or a novice, knowing how to sew stretchy fabric is a key skill that will help you with a wealth of sewing projects and save you a lot of nerves. It’s no secret that sewing with stretchy fabric can be somewhat of a challenge (some people find it downright […]

Learn the Basics

what is velour

What is Velour? Velour is an incredibly soft, plush textile that is very similar to velvet (albeit much less expensive). It’s characterized by a wonderfully soft-to-the-touch finish with cut fibers that follow the stroke of your hand and drapes seamlessly. But what is velour, and what’s the difference to velvet? Read our guide below to discover more […]

Learn the Basics

What is fleece

What is Fleece? Ever wondered what fleece is and what its definition is? Read on, dear fellow fabric-goop, and find your answers here. Fleece fabric is defined as a man-made wonder product, if there is such a thing. Despite being named after the coat on a sheep, it’s 100% synthetic and derived from plastic rather […]

How To & TutorialsLearn the Basics

how to choose applique

Types of Applique What is Applique? Whether you’re a seasoned fashionista or an experimental designer, the art of applique is sure to come up in your textile practice. Applique essentially means applying one piece of fabric to another. It is usually shapes or designs on top of a fabric background – and it can be […]

Learn the Basics

what is felt

What is Felt? Felt is a man-made fabric, created from natural fibers. Man-made fabrics are generally woven; however, felt differs in this sense. So, what is felt exactly? A Felted fabrics is created from fibers being compressed and matted. Together heat, moisture and a lot of pressure is what presses and creates the fabric. It […]

Learn the Basics

what is microfiber

What is microfiber? You’ve seen it everywhere; from mops to furniture, active wear to towels – but what is microfiber, exactly? And what makes it so versatile? ‘Microfiber’ refers to a synthetic fiber which is extremely thin, even slimmer than a strand of silk (which is about a fifth of the diameter of a human […]